Ballungscenter aller Energien

Energy — it's all about energy in the art of Florian Germann. His approach is very broad, but basically it comes all down to a enlarged vision about sculpture. I believe he is really trying to question the limits of sculpture - how energy, motion, thoughts, craziness, speculation can actually find form, can actually cohere, ie. become sculpture (and not only a sculpture). Florian creates with great love for detail and finish sculptural sets. There are many ways to enter these sets, literally, but even more by way of its underlying narratives, i.e. on almost mental level.

The narratives can be named or at least hinted at, at the same time they grow more multidimensional as the overall work proceeds. Some references in the past have been Werwolves and anatomical anomalies, bike races and alike, heavy load machinery, or youth cultural experiments (like flattening money pieces through passing trains by putting them on train rails), Sun Ra and musical harmonies, science fiction and alternative societes. Maybe his work can be discussed as pertaining to the old mind/body dualism.

Daniel Kurjakovic